Heritage Lottery Fund Progress

Progress report on HLF work
Work started on 11th January with scaffolding being erected, a large cabin being lifted into the car park and various supplies being delivered. Promises of the heaters being in place and working within days were somewhat optimistic though – what with concerns over m atching the brickwork for the new flues and whether or not to utilise the current wiring, we were later to find the heating system wasn’t fully operational until well into February. The concerns over the bricks were allayed when a pile of them was found at the side of the hall buried under vegetation, with a few more on the windowsill in the bell tower! Our main contractors had originally quoted for new wiring to each of the new heaters as had been recommended to us but tried (in vain) to utilise the old wiring where they could. Ultimately it was found necessary to replace it all. At the same time we asked for an extension to the electrical wiring and a spur on the gas pipe to be fitted so that we could have the option of installing an additional heater to the right of the choir stalls as you look at them. This will be the subject of another separate grant application but if unsuccessful we could pay for it out of our reserves.
One outcome of the lack of heating early in the work schedule was the use of the hall for a Parade Service. This went very well and was enjoyed by all (it was nice to be warm for a change!)
All rainwater goods, guttering and fall pipes, were removed for stripping and repainting. New hopper linings for the downpipes (in stainless steel rather than lead) were sought from local manufacturers and new roof lights were fitted once the roof had been recovered.
You may have noticed that we have a display in the Narthex attempting to keep you up to date with developments – please take the time to have a look and feel free to ask us any questions you may have.
All in all the work proceeded well despite the rather wet weather we encountered and they actually managed to finish ahead of schedule. The building was unwrapped from its protective shroud, the scaffolding removed, the temporary cabins were taken away and the car park was cleared of the debris. It was wonderful to have our building back again and to be able to enjoy the warmth from the new heating system and the comfort of the know,egde we are nice and watertight. We are extremely grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for making all this possible.
The attached photographs show the work on the heating and the roofing.