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About Us

St. Saviour’s is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Leeds To see what is happening in the Diocese, you can see copies of the fortnightly Diocesan eNews here

As in all Church of England churches our Interim Priest-in-Charge, works with the Churchwardens - Grace Studholme and John Ratnik - and the Parochial Church Council to provide a spiritual and pastoral focus for the community. You don't have to live within the parish boundaries to belong to our church; everyone is welcome. .

We hold regular Services and have a variety of groups who use the hall for activities for all ages. When not in use, the hall can be booked for private functions.

As well as meeting for worship, we often get together for social events, sometimes with our related parishes of St. James’s, Thornton and St. Peter’s, Allerton.

Designed by the well-known architect George Pace, the church was built to an unusual but practical plan in brick and reinforced concrete. It was opened in 1966 to replace a small chapel nearby which had served the congregation since 1883. In November 2007 it was granted Grade II listed status, being recognised as a complete example of the work of George Pace and notable for its striking design.

Although only around 50 years old, St. Saviour's incorporates early victorian pews from St. John's in Little Horton. St. John's also kindly provided a striking Byzantine-style mosaic depicting Jesus' meeting with Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus.

Chapel with Byzantine mosaicInterior of church

Location map for Saint Saviour's Church

Click the thumbnail above for a location map for Saint Saviour's Church

Image of Saint Saviour's Church Image of Saint Saviour's Church

To view a map of the Parish Boundary click here